I'm currently using an Anan 10e SDR transceiver driving an EB500 solid state amplifier.

Receive audio from the 10e feeds a Symetrix 420 amplifier that drives a pair of Bose bookshelf speakers on the shelf above the desk. The audio gear is located in the desk rack. My microphone is a Shure SM-57 (a real one) and it uses a Symetrix 528E to condition my transmit audio on the way to the 10e.

I have several computers in the shack for various duties. The main computer is a homebrew Intel i9-11900k and it runs Windows 10 and 11 and also Linux Mint Cinnamon 22.1.

My antenas are wire dipoles supported on a 65 foot Rohn tower about 250 feet from my house. They are fed with 7/8 hardline and tempered by at Palstar AT2K.

  • The Boy and the Boot

    A fountain in Washington Park in downtown Sandusky is the logo for the city.

    It was first seen in 1892. Below the statue is a basin full of Coy and across the street is a popcorn stand! How convenient! The Coy are fat and rarely hungry.

  • My QTH Sandusky Ohio

    Sandusky is a community of about 26,000 residents located on Lake Erie. It is about halfway between Toledo and Cleveland.

    Our claim to fame is Cedar Point, a rather large amusement part known for the biggest and best roller coasters in the world! There are 18 of them. While sitting on my patio I can sometimes hear the screams!

  • Cedar Point

    Cedar Point is a 364-acre amusement park located here in Sandusky.

    It is owned and operated by Cedar Fair and is considered the flagship of the amusement park chain. The park features a world-record 72 rides, including 18 roller coasters.

  • Computers, my other hobby

    You are looking into the face of an Intel NUC!

    Ham radio is neat but PC's occupy much more of my time. Pictured here is an Intel NUC (Next Unit of Computing). It's quite small measuring 4 by 4 by 1/3/4 inches and requires less energy than a night lite does. It runs Windows 10 or Linux just as well as the "big boyz" and does the job with the 200D and Thetis.